
KSOU Study Centre

Karnataka State Open University Mysore (KSOU) has carved a niche for itself  in imparting quality education to knowledge-seekers in the distance mode with its avowed vision of Higher  Education to Everyone, Everywhere. The objective is achieved through its 3 tier system of student support service namely Headquarters, Regional Centers and Learners Support Centers ( Study Centers) spread all over Karnataka.

St Philomena College and KSOU Study Centre

Study centre was established in the year 2002. Since its inception the study centre has guided thousands of learners in the teaching- learning process.Needless to say, it has created an opportunity for learners to pursue higher education in the combination of their choice.

Being a part of the 3-tier system of providing education to  higher education aspirants the study centre offers following student support services

·         Conducts pre-admission counseling and facilitates online admission process of the students.

·         Provides space & infrastructure for conducting weekend classes both in online and offline mode.

·         Supplies Self Learning Material (SLM) to the learners and supports them through ‘Help Desk’ .

·          Carries out internal assessment and provides space for conducting examination.

·         Guides learners through and through as directed by the university.

Dr Radhakrishna Gowda V
Dean & Head, Dept of Business Administration
Assistant Professor
Student Welfare Officer
Teaching from 25 Years
With us from 24 Years
Dhanya P T
Assistant Professor
Teaching from 10 Years
With us from 10 Years


Email: [email protected]

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