Funding Agency: Vision Group on Science and Technology (VGST), Department of IT, BT and Science and Technology, Govt. of Karnataka
Funding Scheme: Karnataka Fund for Infrastructure Strengthening in Science and Technology – Level 1 (2018-19)
Ref No.:
Sanctioned Amount: Rs. 20,00,000
Principal Investigator: Rev Dr Antony Prakash Monteiro
Chairman, Center for PG Studies and Research
Project Summary
Since there is a lack of expertise and excellent centers in Theoretical Physics in and around, there is a high need for the establishment of a center of this kind. When compared to other parts of India, we are significantly lagging behind in research as well as expertise in fundamental Physics. Lack of appropriate space for teaching and research, making it difficult for people to collaborate.
There is a lot of activity going on in the experimental frontiers in identifying new mesons and baryons. Hence, there is a need to compute the masses and various other properties from QCD inspired models, since, the wealth of experimental data in hadron spectroscopy would be a good testing ground for non-perturbative QCD.
Nucleon-Nucleon interaction is another field of area with high scope for improvement in theoretical formulations. The heavy quark spectroscopy has undergone a great resurgence in recent years. This is mostly due to the experiments at CLEO, DELPHI, BELLE, BABAR, etc., which have been continuously providing more accurate and new information about the hadrons from light to heavy quark flavour sectors.
Objectives of the Project:
The post graduate department is actively involved in research activities in proposed area and regularly conducting activities to attract students towards fundamental science. The project proposal is based on following objectives:
To develop the department as higher education center with high academic standard in Theoretical Physics.
To carry out high level quality research in Theoretical Physics, particularly aimed at Nuclear and Particle Physics.
To be well equipped with computational techniques and softwares to do research in theoretical Nuclear and Particle Physics.
To impart quality teaching in Theoretical Physics develop required computing environment.
To formulate theoretical predictions for experimental findings in Particle Physics field.
To improve fundamental Physics teaching at all levels of the educational system (audio-visual).
To attract talented scholars in a forum and to provide students with abundant opportunities for exploration and investigation in Nuclear and Particle Physics.