
Grievance Redressal

1. Introduction

St. Philomena College, Puttur, is committed to providing a secure, fair, equal, and peaceful environment for learning and working. Human rights protection is crucial for the overall development of a student's personality. The college has established a Grievance Redressal Cell to provide a system for grievance resolution in order to realize the primary demands of the students, staff, and other stakeholders. In this regard, the College strictly adheres to the UGC (Grievance Redressal) Regulations, 2018.

The cell will be attended to promptly on receipt of grievances from the students. It sorts out problems promptly and judiciously will result in a  pleasant and healthy atmosphere and good work culture with in-built goodwill and mutual understanding among its stakeholders. The cell formally will review all cases and will act accordingly as per the policy. The cell will give a report to the authority about the cases attended to and the number of pending cases, if any, which require direction and guidance from the higher authorities.

2. Objectives

The objective of the Grievance Redressal Cell (GRC) is to provide the space to express the Grievances of students and staff without any fear and receive solutions. GRC ensures a democratic environment on the Campus and provides justice for the person who has genuine grievances.

  •   To maintain a harmonious educational atmosphere in the college.

  •   To develop a responsive accountable attitude among all the stakeholders.

  •   To ensure a fair, impartial, and consistent mechanism for redressal faced by the stakeholders.

  •   To ensure that grievances are resolved properly.

  • To uphold the dignity of the institute by promoting cordial relationships with all other stakeholders.

Scope :

  •   The college offers adequate and multiple platforms for its various stakeholders to express their grievances. All departments shall hold regular open houses, as stipulated by the College.

  • A specific helpdesk will be set up to address any concerns or queries regarding admission to different academic programs. Any violation of the admissions reservation policy should be reported immediately to the principal.

  •   Grievance related to fee payment, caution deposit, etc. shall be dealt with by the respective heads of the department and should be reported to the Principal according to the seriousness of the issues.

  •   Complaints related to various officers of the college including the Principal can be informed directly to the Correspondent of the College.

  •   Adequate measures should be taken to address the suggestions regularly gathered from the suggestion boxes placed at different blocks of the college and online forms.

  •   Grievance redressal mechanism of the college should be published as a document and the same shall be made available online.

  •   Grievance Redressal Cell shall convene frequent meetings to monitor the grievance redress activities of the institution.

Statutory Bodies

  •   Internal complaints committee

  •   Anti-women Harassment cell

  •   Anti-ragging Cell

  • Internal Committee for Differently-abled (Divyang-jan) DAPs

Anti Ragging Committee
Dr Norbert Mascarenhas
Convener, 9900446981
Registrar (Academics)
Head, History
Associate Professor
Dr K Malini
IQAC Co-ordinator
Dean, Science
Head, Chemistry
Associate Professor
Varija M
Assistant Professor
Prathibha K
Assistant Professor

Anti- Women Harassment Cell
Novelin N D’souza
Convener, 8762276729
Assistant Professor
Harshitha D H
Assistant Professor
Prathibha K
Assistant Professor
Jeevitha K S
Head, Mathematics (PG)
Assistant Professor

Internal Complaint Committee
Varija M
Presiding Officer
Assistant Professor
Dr Edwin D’souza
Finance Officer
Assistant Professor
Shashiprabha B
Head, Botany
Assistant Professor
Pushpa N
Assistant Professor
Co-Ordinator, Social Work (PG)
Assistant Professor
Mrs Rufinha D’souza
Dr Florine Mathias
NGO Representative

Online Affidavit- Student

1. I have carefully read and fully understood the law prohibiting ragging and the directions the Supreme Court and the Central/State Govt. in this regard.

2. I have received a copy of the UGC regulations on curving the menace of ragging in higher educational Institutions-2009 and have carefully gone through it.

3. I hereby undertake that a) I will not indulge in any behavior or act that may come under the definition of ragging. b) I will not participate in or abet or propagate ragging in any form. c) I will not hurt anyone physically or psychological or cause any other harm.

4. I hereby agree that if found guilty of any aspect of ragging. I may be punished as per the provisions of the UGC Regulations mentioned above and/or as per the law in force.

5. I hereby affirm that I have not been expelled or debarred form admission by any institutions.

Online Affidavit- Parent

1. I have carefully read and fully understood the law prohibiting ragging and the directions of the Supreme Court and the Central/State Govt. in this regard as well as the UGC Regulations on curving the menace of ragging in Higher Educational Institutions-2009.

2. I assure you that my son/daughter/ward will not indulge in any act of ragging.

3. I hereby agree that if he/she is found guilty of any aspect of ragging, he/she may be punished as per the provisions of the UGC Regulations mentioned above and/or as per the law in force.

Online Complaint Form

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