"Libraries store the energy that fuels the imagination. They open up windows to the world and inspire us to explore and achieve, and contribute to improving our quality of life."
A Higher Education Institution is treated as a temple of learning and Library its sanctum sanctorum. Library is reservoir of information and knowledge. Hence it plays a critical role in the dissemination of knowledge. A user-friendly library impacts positively the learning process.
St Philomena College Library became operational in 1958 with a modest collection of titles. Library Services were provided functioning from the first floor of the main College Building. The arrangement continued until 1969 when the arrangement was shifted to a new Block with a plinth area of 9236.64 SQ FT ((858.42 Sq. Mtrs.). The important Sections in the Library are, Separate Reading Room for Men & Women Students & Staff, Work Area, Reference Section, News Paper Section, Stack Section and Weed out Books Section. A Separate Pre- University College Library was set up in the year 2005 when St. Philomena Pre-University College was carved out from the Degree College. The College is also having Separate library for Post- Graduation Students.
The library collection includes Textbooks, General books. Reference books, Rare books, Literature Books, Personality Development & Value education books, periodicals, bound volumes of journals, newspapers and educational CD/DVD’s.
Membership of library is open to the Students and Staff of the College. The Library provides to each student One Membership Card for Reference and Two Borrowers Cards to borrow the books. The cards will have to be returned to the Library at the end of the academic year before collecting Admission Tickets for the University Examination. The Cards are not transferable. The Teaching staffs are provided with 1 reference Card and 10 Borrowers Card and Non-Teaching staff with 2 Borrowers Card. Library facility is extended for reference to Alumni, Parents and the public.
A book can be borrowed for a period of 15 days by the students. It can be renewed for 15 more days provided that book is not demanded by any other member. If the book is not returned within the due date, a fine of Rs.3.00 per day will be collected as overdue charge. The Staff should return the books before the end of the academic year.
The Library is fully Automated using web based Library Management Software “e Lib iNext”. Barcode technology is used for easy transaction. OPAC facility is available which allows the readers to search the books by Author, Title, Publisher, Accession Number, subject, Class No., Keywords etc and helps them to know the status of availability in the library and reserve them if they are lent out. Orbit Scanners had been installed in entry point of the library to track students and staffs check in check out to the library. .
The library subscribes to BSNL optical internet connection to provide Free internet services to the staff and students.
The library maintains a good collection of journals and magazine archives in bound volumes. This includes,
Current science – from 1984
Resonance- from 1997
Indian Journal of Marketing- from 1975
Economic & political Weekly – from 1998
Southern economist – from 1980
Social Action – from 1980
New Frontiers in Education – from 1972
Journal of Chemical Sciences
Journal of Biosciences
The library maintains a good collection of journals and magazine archives in bound volumes.
The Library is using eLib iNxt software WEB- OPAC, which provides all the knowledge available through the library on any device from anywhere.
Subscription to INFLIBNET – N-LIST programme - A college component of e-ShodhSindhu consortium with access to 6,000+ journals, 1,99,500+ ebooks under N-LIST and 6,00,000 ebooks through NDL. http://nlist.inflibnet.ac.in/
Extra reading materials for the advanced learners.
Annual Best Library User Awards
Organizing Book Exhibition and awareness programmes
Orientation to New students on the use of library resources.
Compilation University Exam questions papers
New Arrivals Display
Deposit Scheme Book facility during April/ May Examination
Information about library is provided in the College website https://spcputtur.ac.in/aminities/library
Links are given to useful websites, e-books, e-journals and e-newspapers. https://spcputtur.ac.in/e-resources
2. Students are prohibited from carrying edible items and chewing at them inside the Library.
3. Students must behave in a reasonable and seemly fashion in the Library and should not damage Library property or disturb other Library users.
4.Library membership is compulsory for all the students.
5. Library cards are not transferable.
6.Each student is issued with two Borrower’s Tickets and a Reference Ticket.
7. Books are issued to the students only against the Borrower’s Ticket
8. Books borrowed must be returned within 15 days.
9. A student who fails to return the book within the Due date shall pay an overdue charge.
10. The book borrowed may be renewed on production of the book before the expiry of the due date. However, renewal requests are not honored if that particular book is demanded by the other students.
11. Students have to sign the Register whenever they visit the Library.
12. Students have to examine the book in detail while borrowing, to know whether all pages, maps, charts etc., are intact and in case the above are missing; it should be immediately brought to the notice of the Library Staff.
13. Students will take good care of the books taken out. Any damage will be dealt with a fine.
14. Magazine, Question Papers and Reference Books are issued only on production of the Reference Ticket.
15. Students should return Library books and surrender their Library cards and obtain No Due Certificate before receiving Admission Tickets for the University Examinations.
St Philomena college is an integral part of my life. If I am a successful professionally now, it's largely credited to my college. The college gave me an immense opportunity to perform in all areas of my interest.
SPC is one of the most reputed instirutions in D.K. district. The college excellent in terms of facult members and infrastrucure ( the sports facilities, labs, library etc). The focus here is to ensure alround development of students. I was amazed to see their focus on latest trends and technologies.
Overall experience in St Philomena College is amazing because we are provided many opportunities to grow and explore our skills on sports/ other cultural activities along with education. I always found healthy and friendly environment where teachers are highly supportive.
‘College’ ,the word itself is an emotion as it’s not easy to get everything what you expect but the more you explore the more you learn from it . in my 3 years of journey I have learnt a lot of things, not only related to subjects but , about the leadership quality, about handling critical situations , about teamwork.
Getting admission in SPC was one of the best things that happened in my life. Faculty here is just amazing. They don’t just teach the book stuff but will also give you guidance on how you can bring a change in the society.I express my heartfelt thanks to the institution for giving me the perfect opportunity to explore myself. I am grateful to be part of such an institution.
"Education is the best provision for a life journey". College life taught me many things to build our career, to make decisions and to be a responsible one. For me my college life will be the most memorable one which exposes us to a whole new experience.
My experience at St Philomena has been wonderful and memorable. The faculties have been very knowledgeable, supportive and encouraging. Apart from academics, there are several cultural and inter-college events that helped to grow our intrapersonal and interpersonal skills thus ensuring holistic development.
St Philomena College is an institution which has given a new direction for my academic career. The College provides education to all sections of society without seeing the cast and religion, which I do feel hallmark of the College. We have received excellent education and guidance from Professors which actually formed us to reach the present level.
My teachers stood behind me strongly and guided me in all means of life, be it academics or values. They were my Guide, Mentor Coach and reason for what I am now. My leadership skill illuminated at College Days as a Student Union Leader, which helped me to be a strong Public Speaker.
I had a lovely time at St. Philomena College as a student. We had a wonderful group of Lectures. I would like to take this time to thank the college and professors for making me who I am today. I also want to point out that this college instils in its students a strong sense of self-control and discipline. Best wishes to all incoming college students.