
M.Sc Mathematics


The M.Sc. Mathematics course was inaugurated at St. Philomena College on 5 th of August 2013. Highly qualified and research oriented faculties are dedicated to give good education to the students. Faculties are available in the department to guide the students even during off hours. Practical thinking and problem solving capacity of a student is enhanced, by conducting seminars, demonstrations, projects and discussions regularly. The department is housed with fast internet facility. The wall-magazine board in the department helps the students to display the articles about present challenging innovations in the scientific community and thereby to have an awareness of research achievements in Mathematics field. Apart from the main library, the department has a department library for the benefit of students. Each classroom is equipped with LCD projector for hi-tech learning. Proper guidance will be provided to the students for competitive examinations and for the research. In order to motivate the students towards research, eminent scientist from renowned national and international institutions are invited to deliver the guest lecture either in a general or research oriented topics and allowed the students to have the interactions with.


To provide an environment where the students can get advanced knowledge in mathematics, and understand the applications of mathematics in the digital world as well as in this modern society.


To educate and train the young knowledge seekers for their holistic development to make effective contribution to the society by learning mathematics.


  • To develop highly qualified/trained mathematicians to cater to the needs of the industry, teaching and research institutions.

  • To provide skills for high quality research and teaching in the field of mathematics.

  • To produce a critical mass of persons with a solid mathematical base that they can use to popularise and meet the challenges of mathematical applications to the industry and society.

Programme outcome

  • Provide a strong foundation in different areas of Mathematics, so that the students can compete with their contemporaries and excel in the various careers in Mathematics.

  • Develop abstract mathematical thinking.

  • Motivate and prepare the students to pursue higher studies and research, thus contributing to the ever increasing academic demands of the country.

  • Enrich the students with strong communication and interpersonal skills, broad knowledge and an understanding of multicultural and global perspectives, to work effectively in multidisciplinary teams, both as leaders and team members.

  • Facilitate integral development of the personality of the student to deal with ethical and professional issues, and also to develop ability for independent and lifelong learning.

Programme Specific Outcome:

  • Students will demonstrate in-depth knowledge of Mathematics, both in theory and application. They develop problem-solving skills and apply them independently to problems in pure and applied mathematics.

  •   Students will attain the ability to identify, formulate and solve challenging problems in Mathematics. They assimilate complex mathematical ideas and arguments.

  •   Students will be able to analyse complex problems in Mathematics and propose solutions using research based knowledge

  •   Students will be able to work individually or as a team member or leader in uniform and multidisciplinary settings.

  • Students will develop confidence for self-education and ability for lifelong learning. Adjust themselves completely to the demands of the growing field of Mathematics by lifelong learning.

  •   Effectively communicate about their field of expertise on their activities, with their peer and

  • society at large, such as, being able to comprehend and write effective reports and design documentation, make effective presentations.

  •   Crack lectureship and fellowship exams approved by UGC like CSIR – NET and SET.

Our Achievers
Jeevitha K S
Head, Mathematics (PG)
Assistant Professor
M Sc
Teaching from 2 Years
With us from 2 Years
Assistant Professor
M.Sc. (Mathematics)
Started teaching this year
Started with us this year
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