
Department of Economics

Passing time ushers in new ideas, new ideologies, new branches of human knowledge and new perspectives. Accordingly human activities assume a new dimension. The education sector has seen exceedingly prominent changes in the recent times – be it the content, the mode of delivery or the outcome. The riveted focus on student centered methods and technology aided teaching learning has given a new definition to education. Adroitly adapt to the new environs appears to be the watchwords. Sayings such as ‘an educate person of yesterday if stops learning today, will become uneducated tomorrow’ are the warning bells to the impending peril of the system becoming outdated without adaptation. 


St Philomena College embarked on the path of adopting the ‘newness’ involved in the current domain of education. All the subject department tryout the new modes and methods of education exercise that are in tune with the changes.


The department of Economics, established at the time when the College was founded has been trying consistently to teach basic economics to the students by blending the traditional and the modern methods of teaching and learning. The subject matter of economics may not be put to scientific investigation as is the case in the subjects of natural science, yet, scientific models are extensively employed in analyzing economic problems. Thus, mathematical and statistical models have become an inalienable part of economic models. This is the new area of knowledge and the department has made a provision to teach economic statistics and mathematical economics. Moreover, environmental studies have caught the imagination of all and sundry in the recent times. Environmental economics is also a subject of study offered by the department. Students with learning difficulty are additionally trained and efforts are not spared to help the students obtain an enriched learning experience.


To be a microcosmic organ of a premier institution of higher learning, constantly serving the cause of

education, thereby contributing quality manpower for nation building activities.


To strive relentlessly for imparting fundamental and advanced knowledge of political economy to

the students with varied backgrounds with the help of innovative tools and methodologies.


  • To promote financial literacy among the youth who enroll for the UG programme.

  • To train the students in various aspects of micro and macro-economic issues.

  • To provide adequate information on the national and international economic issues.

  • To hold sessions with the participation of experts, students and the public on special topics such as

  • budget.

  • To train the students for Indian Economic Service exams.

Vasudeva N
Head, Economics
Assistant Professor
Teaching from 31 Years
With us from 18 Years
Harshitha P V
Assistant Professor
M.A Economics
Teaching from 10 Years
With us from 9 Years
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