
Department of English

The department of English came into existence from the inception of the college in June 1958 and since there the department has been vibrant and has been contributing immensely for the growth of the college.The department has made certificate course in communicative English compulsory for all the students during the two semesters and has set up English Digital Laboratory for the enhancement of communication skills of our students.


The vision of the Department is to excel through teaching human values through the prescribed syllabus and to nurture literary sensibilities, language competence and to promote thinking among the students.


The Department aims at serving vibrantly and resourcefully to impart the four major skills of Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing to students, and also thrives at transforming the students into the rational human beings with an inquisitive and argumentative bent of mind through Teaching.


The objectives are as follows

·       To promote the study of literature

·       To provide training through various cognitive skills which includes analyzing, speaking, listening, reading, evaluating and appreciating language

·       To develop skills ,confidence and competence in written and spoken expression

·       To enable the students to comprehend the spoken form

·       To develop students ability to use English in day today life and real life situation

·       To enable the students to understand the skimming and scanning skills from the written text

Bharathi S Rai
Head, English
Assistant Professor
M.A. (English)
Ph.D (Registered)
Teaching from 22 Years
With us from 22 Years
Novelin N D’souza
Assistant Professor
M.A. (English)
M.A. (Sociology)
Teaching from 15 Years
With us from 14 Years
Sushma Crasta
Assistant Professor
M A (English)
With us from 1 year
Vinil Rohan D Souza
Assistant Professor
Teaching from 1 year
With us from 1 year
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