
M.Sc Computer Science Learning Outcome

The successful student of M.Sc Computer Science will have the ability to:
  • Operate computer Systems of different types independently

  • Use different computer applications independently.

  • Implement business logic into algorithms and algorithms into code.

  • Write computer programs using programming languages and development environments.

  • Analyze requirements for the development of a software product.

  • Manage data using database management tools.

  • Organize files and backup/recover data using utilities.

  • Troubleshoot and manage computer hardware and software resources

  • Use supervision and consultation appropriate to IT Sector

  • Use opportunities for continuing professional education to enhance their professional development.

  • Communicate effectively and to understand inter disciplinary expression.

  • Demonstrate information technology skills, especially in the areas of information retrieval ,literature searching and library databases.

  • Acquire knowledge, skills and attitude to become more suitable for self employment and the emerging employment market

  • Use Opportunities for continuing professional education to enhance professional development.

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