
Department of Political Science

The Department of Political Science came into existence in 1958, the very year of the inception of the college. Since then, many eminent professors have served in this department.


To go beyond its reputation as the leader in contemporary studies of Political Science in and around the region and recognized Political Science Department.

It should be a Department that produces excellence in teaching, learning and training of political minds that are truly accepted in the region, and the country as a whole.


To remain a Department that enhances strong faculty dedication to teaching. Learning and excellence, that makes relevant and important contributions to political debate and development in the nation. And produces a student body that is highly trained and mentored for successful impact in the challenging world outside.

Objectives of the Department

·        To achieve academic excellence of staff and students.

·        To introduce them to the major ideologies of our time.

·        To acquaint students with the form and functioning of certain typical governments.

·        To make the student aware of Indian Constitution and current political affairs.

·        To introduce to the students with basic concepts of public administration

·        To enable the students to know about the basic instruments of the international politics.

Finally to aim at getting good results and giving good citizens to the country.

Bharath Kumar
Head, Political Science
Assistant Professor
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