
‘Bood Donation is One of the Most Valuable Donations’- Dr Ramachandra Bhat

Puttur Nov 25: On the eve of NCC Day Celebration, 3/19 Karnataka Bn NCC, 5 Karnataka Naval NCC Unit of St Philomena College and St Philomena PU College in association with Rotary Campco Blood Centre, Puttur organized ‘Voluntary Blood Donation Camp’ at Rotary Campo Blood Bank Centre Puttur on 25 November 2022.

Blood donation is one of the most valuable donations. One can donate blood if one is healthy and fit. Blood donation can actually help in the survival possibility of the person met with an accident or at the need of surgery due to ailments. The amount of the blood donated will be replenished within two months, said Dr. Ramachandra Bhat, Medical Officer Rotary Campo Blood Centre Puttur.

Lt Johnson David Siqueira, NCC Officer of Army Wing, Thejeswi Bhat NCC Officer of Naval Wing were present and provided the necessary arrangements to facilitate successful conduct of the Camp

More than 50 Students joined hands in this noble activity of blood donation and exhibited a silent message that in the hours of need, they will come forward to donate blood.

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