
M.Sc. Mathematics: Internship at St Joseph Engineering College

St Philomena College always helps students to enhance their knowledge in various modes of learning. The M.Sc. Mathematics students completed an Internship at St Joseph Engineering College, Mangalore, in October -November 2022. The Department of Mathematics has established a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with St Joseph Engineering College, Mangalore to exchange Academic ideas and Research.

As a part of MOU, the Students have undergone internship to gain valuable knowledge and experience. The students, Anushree M I, Deekshitha M H, Lavanya S and Sushmitha M have completed the internship under the guidance of Salma Shabnam, Dr Shubha V S, Dr Jagadeesha B and  Harsha A J ,faculties St Joseph EngineeringCollege respectively. The topics for the internship were "A study on Linear Programming Methods and their Applications", "Diagonalization and SVD of Matrices", "Different Graphs of Ring and nearing, "Digital Signal Processing: A Mathematical view", respectively.


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